How to let CBOX install and setup BuddyPress and BBPress for you


This quick tip comes in quite handy for those who are having issues with setting up BuddyPress 1.6+ and the BBPress 2 Forums. The Commons in a Box plugin is meant to make setting up your BuddyPress powered social network a snap. The plugin contains some code written by BuddyPress core developers Boone and R-A-Y which automatically sets up your BBPress Group Forums with BuddyPress.

The CBOX plugin does a ton more than that, but just in case you’re running into issues setting up your forums with BBPress 2, this might be the solution you’re looking for. Here’s all you’d need to do:

  • Install the Commons in a Box plugin
  • Activate the plugin and follow the steps presented to you
  • Enjoy your BBPress 2 forums inside your BuddyPress Groups

As one of the CBOX Developers I’m really proud on how the team handled this, and it’s one of the little touches that make the plugin so easy to use and helpful for many site admins who are new to all of this. You can read more about Commons in a Box on the official website and on our PressCrew site.

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Something about bowe

BuddyPress fanatic, WordPress Theme designer and MultiSite community builder. Proud co-founder of PressCrew. Loves to use awesome in every sentence. Often described as a Dutch Treehugging Hippie.

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