New Theme: BP-Default Member Blog for MultiSite Communities

One of the things I’ve always found a big problem when working with WPMU or MultiSite was that the Blogs of my Members would look nothing like my main community. I think that the blogs in my network should match my main site as soon as they are created, just to give my network a coherent look. Even f you allow people to choose between different Themes, it might be a smart idea to let them start with the theme that matches your main community. It just “glues” your MultiSite community together in my opinion.
The MultiSite version of my BP-Slick Theme comes with a matching Member Blog Theme, and a lot of people seem to really like that. So I’ve spent some time on creating a matching Member Blog Theme based on the BP-Default Theme. I’ve stripped out all the unnecessary templates which are used for BuddyPress, and kept the blog templates. I added some features to allow your members to customize their blog easily:
- WP3 Menus
- Custom Background upload option
- Custom Header Upload
I’ll add some more Theme Options later, but to do so I need some ideas of what you’d like to see added to the Member Blog Theme. So feel free to leave a comment below or create a topic in the Theme Group;
Join the Theme Group
Download the Theme
- Download and Unzip the Theme
- Upload the Theme to the Themes folder
- Enable the use of the Theme through the Site Admin > Themes page
- Use the awesome New Blogs Defaults Plugin to set up the default blog theme and a customize the newly created Blog.
Spread the Word!
Since the WordPress Theme repository currently does not allow new BuddyPress Themes to be added to the repository (read more about it here) I can’t add it to the Theme Directory right now. So make sure to spread the word to your BuddyPress/MultiSite buddies by Tweeting about it or Liking this post on Facebook
I’m looking forward to your Feedback and feature suggestions!

Thank you! This is really great
Glad you like it!
Hi Bowe,
I found something strange on my blog when using your theme. On the header I get the parent site name instead of the child blog name (under a multisite installation).
Shall I change anything on your header file?
Thanks for your help
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Thanks man. Great work!
This is very helpfull.
I went to download the theme, and all I got was a blank page with “Welcome to nginx!” at the top. I’m extremely interested in this theme, and would like to download it.
Same thing happened to me!
Sorry guys! Please try the download again
Sorry Jason! Please try the download again
great template, kinda what i was looking for. I really want to keep the members who have blogs away from the dashboard and be able to do anything inside the blog template. your template supports in theme post editing which is great for a start. now i want to try and change the dashboard CSS to match the blog theme.
Pleasant Post. This transmit helped me in my college assignment. Thnaks Alot
I just installed wp nebg .3.1 turned out to work but there are things that make me chose the theme of stress!
after I install some themes not really perform. how to use it how?
This is soooooooooo goooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you upload a demo somewhere so we can see it before using it?
Cheers, D.
Hi there. Great job!! Your BP-Default Member Blog looks great!
I am experiencing two issues with it though:
1) The blog name does not appear on the header; the network name appears instead (visit to confirm this)
2) The new blog shows the post page and a sample page; if I click on the sample page, the only way to come back to the posts page is by clicking on the blog name (shouldn’pt there be a blog/post page?)
Thanks for your help in setting these 2 issues correctly
Hey, I think your blog is good! I found it on Google I think I will come back one day.